Friday 30 September 2011

Film Treatment - Abduction

The sequence will start with a shot of a group of girls (around the age of 16) leaving a house party in early hours of the morning, saying their goodbyes, and splitting off to walk home. The camera follows the main character, using a medium shot to show her walking to down the road and also to establish the dark, somewhat sinister looking surroundings. It will then cut to a POV shot from a man who steps out from behind a hedge and starts to follow her down the street, a diagetic sound of heavy breathing will also be heard to give the character more realism and also to create a more disconcerting atmosphere. A medium close up will be used in front of the girl, showing her unaware of proceedings, but also showing the shadowed figure in the background. It will then cut to a medium close up from behind to show her suddenly stopping as she realises she is being followed. The girl will then turn quickly in order to try and catch her pursuer, her expression showing her fear. Again, it will cut back back to a POV shot from the man, but this time he will quickly strafe back behind a nearby bush. The next shot will be a medium shot from in front of the girl, showing her wrapping her arms around herself for security, the man will be shadowed in the background but it is apparent that he is becoming increasingly closer. We will use a shallow focus where the girl will be clear until she walks past the camera, switching the depth of field so that the image of the shadowed man becomes the primary focus. Continuing with a low angle shot from behind the man showing his feet, and in the background showing her fastening pace, we will then begin to use cross cutting between close ups of the girl and point of view shots from the perspective of the man. The timing between these shots will become increasingly shorter to increase a sense of hysteria amongst the audience. This build up will continue until the climax in which the pursuer attacks the girl. Using a close up,  we will show the man grabbing the girl and putting a chloroform covered cloth over her mouth and her following struggle.  The camera will then zoom out slightly as we see the man let her body fall to the ground. We will then use a POV shot from her perspective, showing her looking up at the man whilst her eyes blink and come to a close. As her eyes become fully shut the final shot will show a black background, and the films title we dissolve into focus.