Monday 10 October 2011


Shot of a group of girls (around the age of 16) leaving a house party in early hours of the morning, saying their goodbyes, and splitting off to walk home.

Girl at house door: Thanks for coming, and hope you get home alright

Girl 1: Cheers Sarah, we had a wicked time.

Girl 2 (talking at almost the same time as girl 3) Yeah, cheers baby girl

Girl 3: Thanks, byee

Girl at house door: You're welcome girls. Cyaa

Girl 4: Same time next week?

Girl at house door: Haha, don't push it. See you soon though!

Girl 1,2,3 & 4:  Byeeee. Wave and stumble off, drunkenly laughing and chatting loudly

Girls walk for about a short period of time till the 4 girls start to split off.

(Here the actors will improvise drunken lines and goodbyes to one and other, in hope to look more realistic)

Main charcter is only one in shot, voices of  drunk girls and their heels stumbing on the tarmac fade to silence, where only the main girl and her walking and breathing remain.

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