Friday 14 October 2011

Thriller Opening Sequence - The Dark Knight

Conventions of an opening sequence:
- Begins with an establishing shot
- Establishes setting
- Uses mise en scene and editing to establish genre
- Introduces character
- Gives ideas of possible plot lines, also uses cross cutting to show that characters will inevitably meet/ are involved

Conventions of a thriller film:
- Uses some fast cut editing to heighten experience and give audience a feel of adrenaline
- Uses typical mise en scene such as guns, blood, suits
- Creates a sense of mystery and suspense by using masked villains - not knowing who the perpetrators  are adds to fear
- By cross cutting between two masked villains it engages the audience and makes us more determined to watch and find out which of the two the Joker actually is.
- Darker themes, such as weaponry, robbery and some death.
- Uses a score to create suspense and add to excitement

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